10 August Air Conditioner Maintenance Tips That You Can Do

Air Conditioning Maintenance | Flushing Heating and Air Conditioning

With the fast summer approaching, Flushing Heating and Air Conditioning are here to help you and provide helpful tips for using your air conditioning unit during this season. This ensures that you can get the best with the air conditioning unit. 

During the summer season, it is always time for homeowners to get their air conditioning units maintained. Air conditioner units do so much to provide comfort to your home during this season. When used regularly, these cooling units can air filter your home’s indoor air and remove any pollutants in the surroundings.

However, if left unclean and neglected, it is more prone to damage and needs to be repaired. You should schedule regular heating and air maintenance and check-ups to keep this from happening. Experts can help you with the air conditioning services such as ac service and maintenance. 

Instead of relying on annual visits to maintain your air conditioner, you can do the following such as inspecting the condenser coil, cooling fins, evaporators, and more. Here are some tips that can you out.

  1. Change The Air Filters – Ensure no allergens are in the air during summer. Some of the manufacturers also advise replacing the air filters regularly. However, changing the filter is best before the summer months start.
  2. Empty and Clean The Dehumidifiers – the increased humidity during the summer can make the air feel stuffier than usual. The dehumidifier helps to remove the moisture in your home and makes the air cleaner.
  3. Clean The Outdoor Condenser Unit – The big metal box is located outside the AC system’s condenser. It s responsible for bringing warmer air to the AC system to initiate the cooling process. Since this is located outside, it is easy to disregard and can be covered with shrubs. This obstructs the condenser unit, which can slow the airflow in your home and wear out the AC unit.
  4. Clean The Vents – If you have been disregarding the vents and ductwork of your home, this is the best time to consider cleaning any obstructions. This process ensures a smooth airflow towards other parts of your home.
  5. Close The Windows And Use Curtains – Although closing the windows and doors is one of the most basic steps before turning on the AC unit, many homeowners still expose the room too bright sunlight. The sunlight can warm up the room and slow the cooling process.
  6. Seal The Air Leaks – These air leaks are quite hard to identify but a common issue that homeowners do not notice. They are commonly found around the window sills and door frames. You can efficiently leak by using a leak detector, but some home opts for smoke tests.
  7. Use Fans – You do not want your AC unit running the whole time. Periodically turning off the AC and switching on the fan can lower the energy costs and continue circulating cool air around your home.
  8. Schedule Your Thermostat – If you have a programmable thermostat, schedule its temperature settings when you need the unit. It is best to stop using the AC unit at night since the air outside is cooler. This move can decrease energy consumption a lot. If you don’t have a programmable thermostat, you should consider getting one before the summer begins.
  9. Keep The Vents Open – Ensure you open the vents for unused rooms. The goal of your AC during the summer is to maximize its efficiency. Cutting off the airflow in curtain house areas can only continue to overwork the unit.
  10. Contact An HVAC Technician – To ensure that you have the best ac system before August, you may want to consider calling the assistance of a professional HVAC specialist. They will help you to maintain your AC unit during the warm season. You can always count on the experts of Flushing Heating and Air Conditioning.

Our experts can ensure you with the best and most satisfying air conditioning maintenance if ever you need it. Our team can also help you diagnose and fix your cooling system if ever there is a problem of it. Therefore, with us, your AC system is in the right hands!

When you need help cleaning and maintaining your AC unit, don’t hesitate to call Flushing Heating and Air Conditioning anytime. We are always available to assist you.